What are “moonshine” performance evaluations?

Posted on June 14, 2024


EDITOR’S NOTE: Today’s post is inspired by a LinkedIn post by Vineet Khanna, the Former Global Head of Supply Chain at NestlĂ©. After reading my brief post, go directly to Vineet’s and comment.

I grew up in an era when changing jobs more than once in your entire career was considered irresponsible. It was the unwritten “cradle to grave” employment rule.

Take a moment to look at most of the LinkedIn profiles today. What do you see? That’s right, constant movement with “gig engagements” that average 18 months (or less).

On both sides of the employment table, no one seems willing to make the effort to develop a cohesive team anymore. Instead, it is a churn-and-burn reality.

Unfortunately, this transactional mindset has extended to the realm of customer versus client relationships. By the way, there is a BIG difference between a customer and a client—at least, that is what I was taught more than 40 years ago.

For example, sales have gone from counselor selling focused on building rapport and solving problems to infomercial pitches with staged audiences and self-congratulatory “look at how great we are” accolades based on short-term wins versus long-term successes.

I am not suggesting we take a maturation, e.g., results process that reflects the time investment in a 40-year-old scotch. But, taking a moonshine-making two weeks won’t cut it either.

Are your evaluation (and sales) criteria transactional or relational – results speak.


Posted in: Commentary