Browsing All posts tagged under »PPP«

“Doors you couldn’t touch, switches that melted and wheels that turned square” – Why do PPPs usually fail?

July 9, 2022


This post, which garnered almost 93,000 views, stimulated one of the more interesting and energetic dialogues with which I have been involved since joining LinkedIn in 2007.

The Groundswell Effect and the Emergence of the Public-Private Partnership Relational Model by Jon Hansen

March 17, 2014


In his book Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow’s Big Changes, Mark Penn argues that the biggest trends in America are the Microtrends, the smaller trends that go unnoticed or ignored. If you think about it for a moment, you will see that Penn is right on the money.  After all, how many of us […]

Bridging the gap between PPP promise and successful outcomes by Andy Akrouche

February 28, 2014


Originally posted on Relational Contracting Intelligence Blog:
“Recent failures, bailouts, and excessive costs show that the risk analyses and value-for-money accounting used to justify P3s are clearly flawed and cover up the true costs and risks for the public.” Such as the one from which the above excerpt has been taken, there are no shortages…