Browsing All posts tagged under »Source One«

(NEW WHITE PAPER) Yes Virginia! A Profile In Excellence

October 19, 2008


Who Can Benefit from this Paper? This thought provoking white paper is an essential resource tool for public sector organizations that are already in the midst of an established program, or ones who are contemplating a change. Although they do not operate within the same framework of a public or government entity, private sector companies can also […]

Source One: The “Thinking” Professional’s Solution (Source One LLC Profile)

September 8, 2008


A Gartner study released at its 2003 Gartner Symposium/Itxpo 2003 stated half of the year’s outsourcing projects would fail to deliver on bottom-line promises. (Information Week; March 26, 2003) “Few Outsourcing mega deals have been successful in the past 10 years – at least 50% fail in the first year and 80% don’t produce any […]