Special Edition – Only Published Here: Have You Heard The Latest

Posted on June 17, 2024


EDITOR’S NOTE: As a regular reader the following post will only be published here. For those who have been with me over these past three decades, you will read it, and you will smile. If you are new to the party, type in “agent-based model” in the search and be prepared for a long scroll.

This image below is of a LinkedIn post dated June 16th, 2024:

My Thoughts

Here is an excerpt from the article dating back to 1998 that might interest you, Todd VanSelushttps://bit.ly/3FBnFRr

“When organizations make the mistake of leading with technology, they are bending their people and processes around an equation-based model approach in which the tech is the driver for success.

When you lead with people and process understanding – an agent-based model, technology moves from a functional driver to a problem-solving tool that streamlines and delivers efficiencies and tangible results.” –

Your post reminds me of the time my teenage daughter told me of how she and her friends discovered this great new band – she then proceeded to play “She Loves You.” I remember when the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan 😉

An added side note, self-learning algorithms and the nascent use of AI in the procurement process were successfully implemented using the above agent-based modelin the late 1990s and 2000.

By the way, here is a link to a post about your great win with Barilla Grouphttps://bit.ly/4axhWL3

I would love to get a progress report for my readers.

Once again, to my longtime readers – it has been a long time coming. It’s time to smile.


Posted in: Commentary