Webinar | The procurement team of the future

Posted on November 25, 2014


Prior to leaving for the Virginia 2014 Forum in which I was the moderator for a panel discussion on Leveraging The Power of Procurement, I had the opportunity to serve as the moderator for Proxima’s The Procurement Team of The Future webinar.

To sign up to watch the on-demand webinar, which discusses the changing role of the procurement team; and their ability to move from conventional to exceptional in a virtualized world, click on the Proxima logo below.

Proxima Webinar Banner

Webinar Overview:

The trend of Corporate Virtualization (increasing use of suppliers in place of staff) means that there are layers upon layers of suppliers which are part of your business, and directly impact your ability to achieve your corporate objectives.

Managing this network of disparate and disconnected supply is fundamentally different to managing a traditional, commodity focused supply chain and requires a fundamentally different set of skills.

In this webcast, the panel discuss the trend of Corporate Virtualization and how it has changed the way that procurement teams operate, and explore the skills and resources required by the procurement teams of the future if they are to keep up with this trend.

The webinar panel:

Robin Shahani (TD Ameritrade)

Tim Cummins (IACCM)

Jonathan Cooper-Bagnall (Proxima)


Posted in: News & Updates