Updating Features and Functions To Improve User Experience and Adoption – Make That Adaption

Posted on October 5, 2023


EDITOR’S NOTE: In today’s LinkedIn discussion stream, Joël Collin-Demers writes, “When a measure is ‘bad’, you must deep-dive into the process to find the root cause and fix it (e.g. The requisition to PO cycle time to too long… Why? The approval cycle is the bottleneck. Why? Managers don’t get notifications when they need to approve something. HA! Let’s get some notifications in place post haste!)”

My question is, how do you introduce upgrades on a “post-haste, cost-effective” basis outside of standard release cycles.

You Have An App For That?!

I really like your posts, Joël, because they stimulate meaningful discussions.

Reading the above here is the first thing that came to mind:

“The key phrase is “end-user adaptability” versus “end-user adoptability.” This refers to an agent-based versus equation-based model.”

The question is, what is the best way to adapt to evolving user needs?

Traditionally, making changes to address PO bottlenecks and manager notifications was a laborious and costly exercise done on a priority basis – in which procurement objectives were not at the top of the list.

For this reason, a survey of CIOs regarding app usage within their organization was telling. Most CIOs believed there were 100 apps in use, while the actual number was more than 950. The proliferation of apps reflects a departure from single-system functional upgrades. In short, if you have a gap in your solution – APP IT!

I recently got an advanced look at Zycus‘ AppXtend for seamlessly introducing desired features/customizations that don’t pollute the source code of the base solution, meaning needed changes are no longer at the mercy of a release cycle.

Stay tuned for my review. I think it is a game-changer.


Posted in: Commentary