Solution Providers – Stop Telling & Selling and Start Asking & Solving!

Posted on June 8, 2024


Almost every call I have ever received from a solution provider begins with how their solution works and solves a set of problems via a features, functions, and benefits outline. In short, here is the problem we solve for the practitioner, and we want to push that message to get appointments or demos to tell them how great we are. By the way, check out the impressive list of client logos on our “come on in the water is great” brag page.

The bottom line is that your product or service is great, but if I am watching the flames burn down my house, I am not going to care about the home security system you are trying to sell me at that moment, no matter how great it might be. I need something that helps me now!

Problem-Solving Versus Product Pushing

There is a great article about the art of asking questions, with the tagline “From Robotic Selling to Authentic Human Interaction.”

The following excerpt from the article defines “robotic selling:”

“Many notable sales training and coaching programs have historically focused on getting to a decision maker, confirming they have a budget, a need, and the authority to buy, then selling them the benefits of a product or service.”

That isn’t selling, it’s telling. Now, if you were the only provider selling your solution you might get some potentially good traction. However, take a quick look at the solution map below. You are not the only one saying the same things, using the same buzz words, and peddling some generalized numbers and percentages regarding savings.

While regulatory compliance is certainly a motivating lever of greater urgency, once again, what differentiates you from everyone else? Are you the only player in the field offering your solution?

Here are three brief videos I would like you to watch. Tell me which ones are asking questions in a highly competitive, somewhat saturated market, and which one is selling specific features, functions and benefits based on being the “only kid on the block” with the technology.

Leading With Interest Versus Product

Here are three different organizations in three different sectors. If you were sitting in front of the executive team for each company how would you either directly or indirectly respond to their top five concerns, e.g., how would your service and solution address these immediate problems?

Oil & Gas industry prospects:

Litigation Trends: Societal trends such as social inflation can increase the risk of an oil and gas company facing a lawsuit. Changing views toward increased litigation and evolving plaintiff attorney tactics are among the factors contributing to more lawsuits and higher jury awards. The average jury verdict in the National Law Journal’s Top 100 Verdicts more than tripled, from $64 million to $214 million.

The Shifting Energy Landscape: Geopolitics, global market disruptions, changes in the mix of energy sources and a focus on transitioning to lower-carbon energy systems will likely alter the future of the oil and gas industry across the planet. As demand for renewable energy continues to grow, oil and gas companies may need to plan steps toward meeting carbon-neutral and climate-affecting goals.

Supply Chain Impacts: Supply chains are increasingly complex and subject to a number of variables, such as price increases, equipment shipping delays and weather events. Aspects of drilling exploration, extraction and production may experience increased costs, as these supply chain disruptions that began during the COVID-19 pandemic could be an issue for the foreseeable future.

The Labor Shortage: One of the biggest challenges facing the oil and gas industry is a steady decline in the available workforce over the past 10 years. Fluctuations in the industry, coupled with sometimes difficult work conditions in remote areas, has caused some workers to leave the oil and gas industry for more stable positions.

Market Volatility: World events and natural disasters can disrupt otherwise smooth business operations and affect bottom lines across the oil and gas industry.10 During times of volatility, it is helpful to have a strong business plan in place, with attention to capacity and reserves, and develop a comprehensive risk management program and a current business continuity plan. These strategies can help to secure operations amid business changes and help companies adjust to a cyclical market. Should an event such as a critical equipment failure, cyberattack, fire, flood or earthquake transpire, solid planning can help restore operations quickly.

Food and Beverage industry prospects (wine growers):

  • Climate change
  • Labor shortages
  • Geopolitical tensions
  • Tariff fluctuations
  • Balancing personal life

Retail Chain industry prospects (Target):

  • Target, a barometer of the American consumer, said its sales last year fell for the first time since 2016. Now, it’s predicting a sluggish 2024 as shoppers are weighed down by higher prices. (Source: CNN)
  • Target’s prices are also higher than Walmart’s. In February, Target’s prices were, on average, 8.6% higher than Walmart’s, according to an analysis by RBC Capital Markets analysts. (Source: CNN)
  • Target said in October that it’s closing nine stores in major cities specifically because “theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance.” (Source: CNN)
  • But Target’s closures in New York, San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle and Portland may also be due more to the underperformance of Target’s smaller store locations, analysts say. (Source: CNN)
  • Fierce right-wing backlash to Target’s Pride Month collection also took a toll on the brand last year. (Source: CNN)

How, as a solution provider would respond to the above burning concerns? How can what you do help them address the above problems either directly or indirectly.

Next Steps

Instead of sending your usual package of product information, overly generalized statistics telling them why buying what you are selling is a good idea, and industry accolades, why don’t you talk about what is at the top of your prospects list, and show them where you can be of assistance.

Even if you can only help with one of the top five, the fact that you took a big picture view will likely stand out from everyone else pushing a product instead of solving the most pressing problems the company is facing right now!

The Key Takeaway: Don’t build a technology solution and then look for a problem to solve; solve a problem and then create the technology to help address it.


Posted in: Commentary