When it comes to procurement tech, it’s time we all stopped howling at the moon!

Posted on June 28, 2024


My Question: Why are we entering our fourth decade of 80% (and higher) initiative failure rates through different tech interactions, from ERPs to AI?

The Response No. 1: Jon AND….there’s too much tech.

AND….I’ve seen leaders falsely communicate that the new tech they are implementing is going to solve all of their team’s problems. And it’s not. When their users expectations are let down, they stop using the system and no longer trust what leadership tells them.

The Response No. 2: Jon W. Hansen interesting perspective and like the diligence aspect before going into solutions mode! On another note albeit with a different emphasis, I recall a debate some time ago on LinkedIn where tech evangelists where stressing the importance of pressing ahead to benefit earlier and my view was around the old tried and tested mantra of People, Process and Technology. Invest in getting the first 2 right before going for the third. After all, why push the same sub-optimal processes through a new solution? It’s not a silver bullet!

My Reply: Well said, Sarah Scudder and 🧩 Raaj K Bhatti!

The two things that I always say to sum it up:

1. Technology on its own doesn’t fail; it’s people and relationships that do. Kate Vitasek Andy Akrouche MBA, RCCM-I, CSM David Loseby MCIOB Chtr’d FAPM FCMI FCIPS Chtr’d FRSA MIoD MICW Sanjana Gupta, (MBA) (M.Sc) Tim Cummins Martin Medforth

2. Over the past four decades, which encompass the ERP Era, Gartner’s post-ERP Era, SaaS, Digital transformation, and now AI, the initiative failure rate has been 80% or higher. While this will make my 3rd-grade English teacher cringe, the problem “ain’t the tech.”

If you think about it, how many solution providers are going to walk away from business even though they know the likelihood of success with that particular client is very low?

Conversely, how many practitioner companies find it easier to reference solution maps and abdicate their responsibilities to take the time to really assess their fit with a solution provider?

The Takeaway: Stop buying technology (howling at the moon), and start building relationships with the right partners because Tech is Tech is Tech!


Posted in: Commentary