More tech talk: Why consultants and analysts should stop trying to eat the whole buffet all at once.

Posted on June 19, 2024


EDITOR’S NOTE: Here is the link to a post by Sarah Scudder and Dr. Elouise Epstein. The following is a copy of my comment. I invite you to join this great discussion to share your thoughts. Remember, dialogue is not about gaining consensus but creating a deeper understanding of an important topic.

Joël Collin-Demers Source to Pay, AI, ERP, and SaaS, through each technology “iteration,” one constant has remained over the past several decades—80% of all initiatives fail to deliver the expected results. What is being done isn’t working.

Here is the link to a post I wrote yesterday –

Canda Rozier, Procurement Evangelist, you are right – we need to start up the CPO Arena again. Are you game? Hervé LegenvreCheryl HayesJoseph Yacura – M.B.A., M.S., M.Q.M, and S. Michael Cadieux are you game? –

Here are some of the companies we had on the show – Market DojoPer Angusta, a SpendHQ companytargetP! agile procurement enabledNipendoTrust Your Supplier (TYS)Fine Tune Expense ManagementZumen

By the way, there should be an unwritten rule that analysts and consultants track only 10 to 15 solution providers in total and stand behind them. These “horizontal coverage” or “market/tech categories” buffets have never worked, nor will they ever work.


Posted in: Commentary